I Have A Dream

  I have a dream that one day our world will be filled with people who live from their heart, with people who ARE Unconditional Love. A world where there is no judgment, no need to be right, no attempting to force one’s beliefs on others. As I observe the Metaphysical/New Age Community today, it is a very long way …

Protecting Light Workers/Warriors/Healers

  The Energtetic Clearing Technique to Protect Light Workers/Warriors/Healers: “I ask the Spirit of all beings of Light and Love, to go throughout time, through their ancestry, through their soul’s lineage, through  their soul contracts, through all of their aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons we …

We Made It To 5D – NOT

  I am constantly amazed at the myths and dogma in the Metaphysical community. The newest myth is that on Dec 12, 2012, we  entered the 5th Dimension, and that some people are even in the 6th Dimension. I really do not see how this can be since very few of us can manage to stay in the 4th Dimension …

We Are The Answer

  We have just come out of the 11-11-11 energies. This was supposed to be the miraculous date when the world was suddenly going to change to one of peace and perfection. I expected the beneficial energies of the meditations done on that day to keep the energies high for a few days, but instead most people had crashed by …

Releasing Metaphysical Dogma

  Many of us found our way to Metaphysics and the New Age Movement as a result of our inability to accept the dogma of organized religion. We could not accept that only one religion was the true religion, especially since we have been told that by all of them. We could not endure the hypocrisy, the control or the …

Spiritual Snobs

  All of us came from the same original source. We are all equal in the eyes of the Creator. We are all unique and special in our own way. Unfortunately, today’s Metaphysical community is filled with Spiritual Snobs. This became very apparent to me during the years I  have been doing the daily Ascension Energy Report on Facebook each day. …

Owning Our Feminine Energy

  Most of us were raised to give up our power to an unseen ‘God’ or Goddess’. This Being had full control of our lives, making all our decisions for us and creating tests for us to prove our worth. We were taught that we had no power, that we were not worthy and that we had no control. It …

How To Ground Yourself

  Grounding is one of the most important things we can do in our spiritual practice. Many people today are only interested in experiencing the spiritual planes and totally ignore the physical. We are in the physical plane as long as we are on Earth, whether we like that fact or not. We have to experience the physical plane in …

Are You Living a Dark Night Of The Soul?

The term ‘Dark Night Of The Soul’ was first used in Catholicism to describe a spiritual crisis. It is a period in our lives when our belief about the meaning of life is destroyed. Suddenly, nothing that we have believed is true. Everything we have held dear turns out to be false. Often we will experience a deep loss of …

Headache and Ascension

  Too many of us have headaches as part of our Ascension Symptoms. These headaches can be as mild as a slight pressure or as bad as a massive migraine. It is not unusual to have a headache in some form every day for a year or more.  As the Light from the Sun and Center of the Universe increases, …